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One of the great things about SEAMi is that you can get involved in one of our many committees. Below you can see what the committees are and a brief description of what each one does.   Please contact any of the chairs if you want to get involved.

Please contact current members, an individual on the Leadership Page, or send us a message through our Comments Page and our Webmaster will help point you in the correct direction to get involved. We look forward to hearing from you!

Annual Conference Committee
Plan and present the SEAMi Annual Conference for Members and Non-members. Provide an environment that is rich in continuing education and create a sense of camaraderie between Structural Engineers across the State of Michigan.  

Commitee Chair- Bill Thayer

Basic Education Committee
Promote Civil and Structural Engineering at all applicable Michigan Engineering Schools. Promote the Organization and the Profession through the development of chapters and events at these schools. We currently do not have a chair

Membership Committee
Maintain the Membership Database and promote SEAMi membership across the State. Also, respond to any issues and questions about SEAMi Membership.

Commitee Chair-Michelle Atto

Communications Committee
Maintain the SEAMi Website, and other social media to  send out important information to the membership. Collaborate with other committees as necessary to assist with their communication.

Commitee Chair-Cecilia Joncheray

Young Members Committee
Engage young engineers and promote involvement in SEAMi events and committees. Develop a bridge between the Parent Organization and Young Engineers.

Commitee Chair-Mayar Zamzam &Taylar Sciborski

Technical Committee
Responsible for SEAMi Technical work. Includes the following subcommittees:

      • Building Code Subcommittee- Be involved with State and National Building Code changes. Relay any important changes to members. -Commitee Chair-Derek Hibner
      • Sustainability Commitee-  Commitee Chair-Susie Chung
      • Licensure Subcommittee- Seek legislation to require that a Professional Engineer design significant structures across the State of Michigan.-We currently do not have a chair
      • Professional Competency Subcommittee- Work with the State of Michigan to review structures that are questioned and need to have further review completed.-We currently do not have a chair
      • SEER Plan Subcommittee- Develop and maintain a Structural Engineer Emergency Response (SEER) Program. Provide officials to assist the board and members as necessary. Commitee Chair- We currently do not have a chair
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